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We know there is no way for us to know everything you are going through, but we hope we can be a part of your journey and help in some way. We have so much love to give and have been preparing for a chance to raise a child our entire lives. There are a few points in life where we really get to make a difference, and for us, this is the greatest opportunity there will ever be. There are so many questions we will have for each other, and we know the best part will be the journey to discovering those answers.

You have been able to experience things we can only imagine and have given life to a child that is full of dreams and possibilities. Our primary goal in life is to help make those dreams and possibilities become realities. We want to spend every day, for the rest of our lives, doing this. We believe the only true mark we can leave on this world is to leave it a better place than we found it. We know that by loving and caring for our future child and by giving them opportunities, we will give them the ability to change the world. The gift of becoming parents would change our world.

Thank you so much for giving life to so many dreams and for bringing this light into the world.

Michael Paul & Brandon

To Expectant Mothers: About
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